
How To Repair A Chipped Ceramic Tile

If you feel a bit, scratch or scissure with your wall or flooring tiles, don't worry! We're here to testify you how to make those tiles every bit good as new with these guides on How To Set up Tile Problems…

how to fix broken tiles

When it comes to decorating a wall or floor space, yous can't go incorrect with tiles. They're sturdy, long-lasting, and easy to install. Nonetheless, as robust as floor tiles are, like with anything, if they're being constantly trodden upwardly, or if dining chairs are constantly beingness dragged over them, you may experience the occasional fleck, scratch or crack. If you do, don't panic – we're here to help! The guides beneath will assist you become your wall and floor tiles looking fighting fit once more!

ane) How to fix small chips and scratches

The nearly common problem with floor tiles is small chips, which can occur effectually the edges. They appear more visible on darker tiles, and they expose the lighter ceramic or porcelain underneath. There's a elementary trick for covering up tile chips – and it'south probably sitting in a drawer in your house right now. Blast varnish!

Only discover a matching shade (or mix two colours together to find the right hue) and so paint it onto the bit! Every bit time goes by, the nail varnish may darken. If this is the case, simply employ a little nail varnish remover, and re-use the original mix. This tip also applies to scratches!


ii) How to fix larger chips or holes

If you've really been giving your flooring tiles a battering, and they've accumulated larger chips that can't be fixed with nail varnish, so you lot're going to need to up your solution. You can buy ceramic filler online. Information technology's similar to plasticine, and dries completely solid. It comes in a variety of different colours.

Simply mix 2 shades together until you have a matching color, and and so piece of work it into the flake or hole, and exit it to prepare. However, depending on the tile, it may be cheaper to replace the whole affair, according to the guidelines below.


To a higher place: Metro 300×100 Tiles

3) How to fix a broken or cracked tile

If the breakage goes beyond the corrective appearance of the tile – if the whole slice has actually broken in two – and then your all-time option is to replace it. We practice suggest ordering x% more than yous need to allow for cutting pieces and spares. So hopefully, you'll accept some spares sitting out in the shed. If yous don't, nonetheless, then Walls and Floors are your all-time bet for finding a lucifer – with more than 6,000 tile designs in stock.

You tin either order one full-size sample tile or a whole foursquare metre, if you'd like to be on the safe side and have plenty of spares for future usage. Once yous have your replacement tile, score around the broken tile with a chisel, and prize up the broken pieces. Scrape away any residual left below the tile, employ fresh adhesive, and sink the new tile into the hole, before grouting the joints with a matching tile grout.

4) How to fix a loose tile

If your grout has worn thin around a item tile, and it feels loose as y'all pace across it, then you need to reapply both adhesive and grout. Using a chisel, prize the tile up. Piece of work loose every bit much grout and adhesive from the edges and underside of the tile equally you can – also as any residue left on the flooring. Re-employ adhesive to the back of the tile, and set up information technology back in place. Replace the grout joint around the edges of the tile.

manor park tiles

Above: Manor House Chenies Stone Tiles

5) Out-dated flooring tiles

If your floor tiles are by and large out of engagement, and you're not happy of them, why not replace the whole floor? Don't worry – that's not as daunting a proffer every bit information technology sounds. If your floor tiles are sound, sturdy and level, you might not take to rip them upward. You lot might exist able to merely lay your new flooring tiles over the top! Give the one-time layer a good scrubbing, and then go out information technology to completely dry out. This will ensure there'southward no clay nowadays to affect adhesion.

One time it'due south dry, you're set up to use new adhesive, and install your new floor tiles! If you lot'd rather remove the old tiles first, hither's a handy guide: How to remove former tiles.

Above: Reclaimed Wood Tiles

Did y'all discover these floor tile tips useful? For more tiling tips and technical advice, visit our Aid Middle – it'south the Wikipedia of tiling queries!

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