The Best Witcher 3 mods | PC Gamer - velazquezforyinath76
The best Witcher 3 mods

The Witcher 3: Unwarranted Hunt is one of the best PC RPGs of all metre, so the thought of modding information technology sometimes feels the likes of garnishing a kingly steak with catsup (and not even Heinz). But the best Witcher 3 mods actually do work an even better game—or at least a more accessible or different gimpy, which is welcome in your second or third trip through the North-central Realms. Justified Geralt likes to change things up sometimes.
At a lower place you'll find our list of the topper mods for The Witcher 3, updated for a new playthrough in 2020 OR beyond. The good Witcher 3 mods admit texture overhauls, quality of animation boosts like auto looting, and the superhuman power to frolic through shallow H2O. We've as wel listed some hot combat overhauls that subtly and dramatically rework The Witcher 3's most criticized component. You privy even make Geralt look more like Henry Cavill, his Netflix counterpart.
Unless otherwise notable, all of these mods should work with the last Witcher 3 spot, variant 1.31.
The tools you demand to make mods crop.
Debug Console Enabler
Download Nexus
If you're going to be tinkering more or less with a lot of mods, you're going to motivation the god-like powers of the debug console behind you. This teentsy mod unlocks the debug console, letting you use console commands to change settings, engender enemies, fix broken things, etc.
Nexus Mod Coach
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All of the Witcher mods live on Nexus, and the Nexus Mod Director is the I best way to wrangle all the competing and conflicting changes that mods might be bringing to your secret plan. While you're installing mods, pay off attention to warnings about conflicts and load orders. If you do assure a specific load order, the NMM is where you go to make that change. Otherwise incompatible mods could work perfectly if you load united ahead the other.
If you are installing a lot of mods, do it just like your mother taught you: go slow, take it easy, and say your prayers.
Mod Merger
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Did you know that there's a "mod limit"? It was news to us. If you are trying to install more mods than the game wants to give up, the Mod Merger can supporte. The outgrowth will guide active 15 proceedings, but fundamentally the merger will combine your compatible mods into a respective customized bundle just for you. Too many mods? Nobelium no, Sir, as you give the axe see, I am installing only one enormous mod.
As above, be careful with this one. Only drop the time to merge mods you know work well together, otherwise you'll close up doing the whole work over and over again.
Menu and travel
Mods that expedite your journey, clean upward your UI and make Dandelion unopen the hell up.
Prompt Travel from Anyplace
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Geralt's humans already has dozens of signposts for immobile go down, merely sometimes you'll still find yourself spending ages coaxing Circl across countryside for the closest one. If you'Ra not down for that sometimes humdrum bit of roleplay, this modernistic lets you teleport to any fast move back point from anywhere, much in the style of Skyrim. If that doesn't profound play to you, let us suggest the exact opposite: this mod will cancel all hurrying travel routes, leave off for a few that hop between regions.
Use your newfound fast travel abilities with caution and don't start out likewise hurried: overriding the alive system reportedly causes problems with a tiny number of quests. This one ISN't being updated anymore, so it does have much issues with newer mods. When totally else fails, seek to declaration conflicts with the mod merger.
All Quest Objectives on Map
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While it's nice that the map International Relations and Security Network't thickly cluttered with icons like some sort of Ubisoft-produced hellscape, stressful to remember where the herb doctor is can be pretty annoying. This mod adds every map icon to the map all the time, including nearby merchants and whatsoever quest objective for some quest in your journal. If it's overmuch, you potty always customize and conceal any markers you don't need.
Additional Cache Locations
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Your Hive up is accessible from a couple of places around the world, but this fashionable asks: Why non much? Installing this testament add eight new stash locations and relocate two of the criterional stash locations to more convenient areas. This is especially handy if you'rhenium using a realism mod that adds carry weight to money.
Preparations Mod
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One of the topper parts of the primaeval Witcher game is feeling like you need to do your homework before any big contract. You brew astir Specter oil for the first fourth dimension and make sure you're stocked improving on Moon dust, you meditate, and you sharpen your ash gray sword.
This modern recaptures some of that old thaumaturgy aside making meditation a Sir Thomas More significant process. You involve to meditate to spend points in your skill tree, replenish alchemical items and oils, and repair items. By default option, eating and drinking during scrap International Relations and Security Network't allowed with this mod, sol you really need to make a point you're all set earlier the Noonwraith hits the windmill.
Friendly Speculation
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If Preparations Mod sounds same more trouble than fun, cheque Friendly Speculation. You still get all the potion refilling benefits of seasoning meditation, only you don't have to deal a boring ol' menu. Instead, the Department of Housing and Urban Development falls away and you get a nice view of the clouds zipping past, the stars rotating, and the sunlight uprising over the mountains.
Sometimes, a Witcher equitable needs to take a all-fired minute, you get it on? Just Don't forget the Unification patch on this one.
Friendly HUD
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The Witcher 3's UI can sense a piece cluttered, but turning parts of information technology slay can make the halting overly difficult. This mod has different features, free in separate downloads if you solely neediness one or two, that improve the along-screen issues. From keeping a key down to enter speculation without using the menu, to hiding quest markers unless you're victimisation your Witcher sense, plus HUD elements that potty individually be toggled off and on without having to open your menu, and lots more than.
Lamp on Thespian's Boat
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Is it a queen-size deal? No. But it sure does look nice. This stylish adds a bit hanging lamp to your little sailboat. Adorable. Look for at that Witcher go.
Disable Storybook Videos
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Some of us—we're not appointment names or anything—would be happy to prey Dandelion and his stupid mouth into a woodchipper. Since there are no woodchippers in the North-central Kingdoms, this mod that disables those storybook narration videos that you feature to listen to time and time again again will have to answer.
Stand out in Knee-deep Water
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Oh my god, in the end.
Armed combat mods
Reach combat harder, or easier, or, most importantly, ice chest looking.
Vituperative Slow Motion Fighting Stylish
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If you've ever so felt that The Witcher 3's combat lacks a certain cinematic flair, Be sure to pick ascending this muffin. It slows down the action when Geralt lands a critical hit, allowing you to goggle in awe at how perfectly that bandit's oral sex flew from his shoulders. If you're feeling particularly vicious, modder KNGR besides made a version that combines this with his common More Blood mod.
Auto Practice Oils
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Unmatchable of the finest bits of roleplaying in The Witcher 3 is its system of weapon oils, every bit there's some sincere atonement in knowing the right motle for the job. But after hours and hours of digging in Geralt's bags and applying them, even the most dedicated roleplayer among U.S. would embody in a bad way to deny it gets tedious. That's where Auto Apply Oils comes in. Once you'Ra in range of an foe typewrite specific to a certain oil, it'll automatically enforce the oil and leave you to the business organisatio of hacking at information technology with a slab of silver grey.
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Displeased rummaging through corpses aft every fight? This modern automatically picks up all the domain loot for Geralt, disregarding of whether he's just been battling rotfiends OR digging through drawers in Oxenfurt. That's receive enough in itself, just what makes Automobile Boodle so great is that it as wel ensures that Geralt doesn't accidentally bargain valuables in his auto-robbery craze, and it lets you customize what he picks up and what He leaves behind.
Download Yoke
If you crave a stamp of official approval in a mod, the FCR3 modernistic was improved by a senior gameplay designer at Cd Projekt Ruby-red. IT's a huge inclination of minor tweaks, nerfs, and buffs that make the world more dangerous and balanced. If you're looking a general overhaul that will work invisibly in the background, this is your mod. There's no new art or anything to look at, though, so we're just using a random movie of Geralt as the picture for this unity. Some old, random picture we happen to have close to.
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For just about long-time Witcher fans, there was once a golden era. All the wine was sweet, all the swords were sharp, and every ghoul was slow and anserine. They ring this time: E3 2014. There are several E3 2014 mods that interchange this or that to Sir Thomas More closely resemble how Witcher 3 looked when it was demoed at that happier, simpler time.
We're non big connected nostalgia, but the E3 dodge system was bad sweet. Geralt is practically less acrobatic, and helium keeps his feet on the ground and his steel pointed forward. This is a good mod for players who want a fighting system that plays pretty more than the same, simply without all the Cirque du Soleil showiness.
Plus, if you have a second to breathe in combat, Geralt will flex his work force and idly twirl his sword to stay loose. Alarming!
Gear and trade
Mods to lighten or weigh on your load, rebalance loot and make your gear attend cooler than always.
Over 9000 Weight
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Geralt can already take quite a a little considering he's just a guy with sweet leather getups and two cumbersome swords, but if you're the screen out of hoarder who can't bear the thought of tossing by a compendium of Witch Hunter's Swords, and then this is the modernistic for you. The resulting weight limit? You guessed information technology, Vegeta. It's terminated 9,000. Now you'll (near) never have to worry or so whether you should hang on to that prize that's taking ahead such room but has an super situational bonus. Just get laid.
Increased Creature Dirty money
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The game may be called Wild Hunt, but hunting creatures and monsters isn't a great agency to make a living. If you're displeased sacking a bundle of deer and close away with little to show for it, the Increased Creature Loot modern will up your chances of animals dropping meat, hide, and other ingredients.
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It's annoying to cart a load of loot into town and find a vendor so poor he can't open to bargain it all. This mod gives vendors some deeper pockets, and lightly encourages them to pay you more for your goods. This patch was abandoned before 1.31, but if you nonmoving want to use it you have two options: this unofficial patch or this updated remix uploaded by some other modder.
The Gwent Circuit card Dealer
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It's tough to travel all the time for work and go by for amusive concurrently. One of these days it all starts to palpate like mold, right? If your Geralt loves a good round of Gwent but just doesn't feel like climbing into the burden again to go find cards, The Gwent Dealer will save him a lot of Frequent Roach Miles. This fashionable turns the Mogul's quartermaster into the all-playing, all-transaction Gwent collector of Velen. He sells all his usual wares and almost all card in the game.
Download Colligate
Just like the Gwent Dealer fashionable, this mod turns a humble innkeeper into the world's sterling Witcher quartermaster. The innkeeper in Dandelion's tavern nowadays sells every Witcher potion, oil, flunk, runic letter, mutagen, and arrow. Unbalanced? Yes. But you can't argue with convenience.
Black Scabbards
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Ugly gear. It's a shame, but it happens to the best of Witchers, no count how strong we try to colouring material coordinate. If the new mastercrafted sword set you've been working toward for hours turns out to have a hideous teal scabbard set that clashes with the rest of your ensemble, just download Black Scabbards to settle the problem. We're told that nigrify goes with everything, so this should get you sorted out.
Geralt Cloak
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On the i paw, this is minor aesthetical change that doesn't matter to at all. On the other hand, this is the most amazing mod ever so designed. It's a fact that looking aplomb is the single highest priority in a singleplayer RPG, and Geralt utterly looks cool As sin shrink-wrapped in a thick wool cloak. Most importantly, new winder bindings leave have Geralt raise or lower his exhaust hood, depending on the weather and your mood.
Sezon Burz Witcher Gear
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There are more gear specify mods out there than you fanny shake a silver steel at, but one of our favorites is the Sezon Burz gear. Based on descriptions from the Andrzej Sapkowski book Storm Season, this set fits right in with the Witcher lore and world design spell being wholly new. Plus, IT comes in several level and power options soh you tail wear it throughout your Northern Kingdom adventure.
Indestructible Items
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Depending on your personality, whatsoever parts of the Witcher's day-after-day can become interminable—particularly after a couple one hundred hours of adventuring. If spending meter and money repairing your geartrain is getting windy, Durable Items pulls the entire weapon degradation system out of the game. IT's a small change with intense effects.
Graphics and photographic camera changes
Pic manner, reworked textures, Department of Housing and Urban Development tweaks and more.
HD Reworked (Updated to 12.0)
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This graphical service mod hit another starring milestone in 2020, reaching version 12.0. It's a 9.3GB download that gives you better, crisper, more detailed models and textures. Rocks, trees, crates, roofs, walls, waterfalls, furs, and floors have all been overhauled with increased resolutions and brightness. The video above gives some great changeover examples so you can envision the difference of opinion yourself.
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This accessible tool lets you transform Geralt and Roofy at the pinch of a push button, adding cloaks, new haircuts and changing the appearance of armor that you can combine to make up presets that you can switch to instantly. All the changes are cosmetic, so you can give yourself the best-looking gear in the game straight away without break the unfit balance.
Traditional knowledge-neighborly Witchers
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This mod makes Geralt look a bit more like a mutant, with paler pare and more than salient, feline eyes, along with other touches that make him look a bit more like his counterpart from the books and earlier games. If the hot dad look isn't doing it for you, try this happening for size.
Absolute Camera
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Unhappy with the camera placement while you're running, fighting, riding, surgery swimming? Absolute Photographic camera doesn't just change the camera length and angle but gives you ended a dozen entirely customizable options for camera placement during Geralt's many activities. In the picture above you can catch a glimpse at just how flexible the late camera tools are.
Realistic Weather
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If you're looking a better weather experience in Novigrad and environs, then be sure to lift up this relatively recent mod. It places a wicked emphasis on fog, but IT also brings other treats such as more pull the wool over someone's eyes in Skellige and better light rainfall animations. If you think IT overdoes it, the description paginate has a list of settings you can freely change with console commands.
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Want to take some awesome screenshots of Geralt in action? This mod provides a toggle push button that lets you freeze the game at will, then fly your camera around in 3D space to adjust the perfect picture. There's also a toggle for making yourself invisible and an option to spawn fog and mist to make your shots more atmospheric. Requires the Debug Console Enabler.
If you want to make the most of the PhotoMode, check out our guide connected how to take a screenshot and get some inspiration from our appeal of phantasy landscape painting screenshots.
Phantasy Nontextual matter
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Looking for a more lush and black look? The Fantasy Art mod removes some of the bluish tint from the game and makes some tweaks to the lighting to bring home the bacon more of a piercing illusion wait.
No Salacious Lenses
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The Northern Kingdoms, peculiarly Velen and Novigrad, are filthy places full of muck, but you can't do any decent picture taking with a dirty lens! Wipe them along your bloomers to get them strip, just like the pros Doctor of Osteopathy. No Dirty Lenses removes the old water muscae volitantes and malicious gossip effects from the in-game camera, but you'll nonmoving get water on the screen from splashing through a river or looking upfield at the rain down.
More Rip
Download Associate
The Witcher 3 is good. Great, even. Only what if it was more like a Tarantino film? Thomas More Line of descent adds bucketloads of blood and origin trails. Geralt gets covered in parentage, blood sprays off of swords, demons spray out black rake, information technology's a internecine blood good blood time.
Increased Draw Space
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If your trailer truck has the horsepower to spare, consider using this mod to rage up the draw distance. The deep open world-wide of the Witcher is huge, after altogether, but it's even finer if you can see miles of it at in one case. This mod comes with a whole range of options from a little boost to a big, miles-abundant aspect view. Fairish warning that you'll probably see your performance drop if you turn on Radical mode in Novigrad—unless your computer is husky enough, that is.
More Shadows
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Filing once more to the department of "If your articulated lorry can handle it," More Shadows adds dynamic shadows to many in-game light sources. Torches along walls volition cast their own dwarf over the sconce below them, and large braziers in cities will throw every kinds of harsh angles across cobbled streets. Patrolling guards carrying torches will also vagabond shadows, but this can be a petty crooked. If you run into problems, there's an interchange version that removes shadows from guards' torches.
Vampires Have Nobelium Shadows
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Vindicatory like the More Shadows mod, except exactly not like that. The opposite, in fact. Virtually NPC vampires, being the unnatural creatures that they are, cast no shadows even though they walk in the sunshine! Chilling.
Henry Cavill
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This in writing mod does the inevitable: turns Geralt of Rivia into Henry Cavill as he appears in The Witcher Season 2. Check out the mod's pageboy for a listing of other Witcher 3 mods to turn Geralt into the biggest, TV-ready version of himself possible. As of notice, the William Henry Cavill mod is hush very new, but the source has plans to continue adding additional Cavill versions of Geralt in the future.
Inspection and repair mods
Make massive changes to The Witcher 3's combat, alchemy, and another systems.
The Enhancement System
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Need a few more weapons and armor options? This modern makes NPC weapons, like Imlerith's giant mace and single others, available to Geralt either through merchants surgery by crafting. New schematics in shops will provid symmetrical more weapon options, and upgrades are available for relics As well.
Be studious: this one makes a great deal of changes, so IT's a scra of a doozy to install.
The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition
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We've written about this one in more item: it's a complete reimagining of The Witcher's combat systems. The biggest change is that it removes autotargeting. Instead of twirling around betwixt enemies like a demented pinball game with a blade, Geralt's acrobatic attacks just go around wherever you point him. This means you can charge and flip behind an enemy or about an enemy's shield.
It's a big deepen, but information technology doesn't even get to describe how much satiate TW3EE changes. There are current animations, new slipway to parry, and varied ways to charge o'er distances. Every flack has a chance to cause an trauma, and then you might need to eat up a scrap with a crippled arm or a broken leg. The changes are so big that they bleed over into leveling, alchemy, signs, and items.
If you've played through Hot Game+ few times and you've just seen and finished everything The Witcher 3 has to offer, then the enhanced variant might be your new excuse for reinstalling. It's Charles Herbert Best to utilize a clean, un-modded install for this one, and so softly sum in other mods one at a time.
Ghost Mood
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Shade Mode is no less ambitious than the Enhanced Variation, but it uses a scalpel instead of a maul. It doesn't dispose the flavorer game, just it polishes whol those slight things that weren't quite right. You buttocks't obtain rare dimeritium plate happening a poor boor's bookshelf, all ingredients matter something (but you'll indigence less of them for alchemy), non-Witcher gear sets are Thomas More useful and powerful, descriptions and typos throw been cleaned up, enemies possess new armor bonuses and express stamina pools, and on and on and on.
If you think The Witcher 3 is ruptured and needs a total overhaul from the roots, head to the Enhanced Variant. If you think IT needs a solid-state 2 years' Charles Frederick Worth of careful reconciliation and polish from a talented QA team, then Ghost Musical mode will be more your swiftness.
Again, use a clean, un-modded install for this one before you outset to tinker with different mods.
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